Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Solomon island 38◦19'.864 N 076◦27'.568 W

Thank God for a little patience. We had a wonderful cruising day with waves hitting the 1 foot mark at best. Sometimes a little patients pays off. The last time we were on this body of water, back in 2012 we had 7-8 footers hitting us on the bow, but they were only 2-3 seconds apart, making for a very rough day of banging. This was the day we discovered that the bot could handle far more that the occupants!
Today we made really good time and arrived here at about 3:30 pm. This gave us enough time to go check out the little town and grab a drink at the local bar with Barb and Chic.

We saw a few interesting sights along the way. The first was this tiny buoy off in the distance, it was tiny for abut 1 hr

 until we reached it and realized how truly big it was! That boat driving beside it is about a 34 footer.

We also came across a tow boat, towing a tow boat. That's embarrassing!

When we came to anchor, we found that the marina had placed a bunch of mooring balls where the anchorage used to be, so we ended up tying to a mooring ball for the night. This was the first time Barb and Chic took a mooring ball and I must say they did a fantastic job for newbies. Got the ball on the first try! Much better than we did. Again going back to 2012, Jim and I had a horrible time anchoring here. Jim dropped the anchor and it did not catch, he brought it up to just under the water and dropped it again and again we did not catch. He brought the anchor all the way up this time and found that he had caught a tire. He could never hit a tire dead centre like that had he actually been trying to do it! Probably a good thing that we got a mooring ball.

On our walk through town, we came across a cute little shop and I could not help to think of one of our family reunions!

We're all fed and watered now, so time to go do do.  Good night all 

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