Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rendezvous Day 2

I started my morning by talking to my big brother, so all is well. Thank GOD! Once that was out of the way, I could then enjoy my day a little bit. The Tornado past us by and aside from a ton of rain, there was no after effects, although it is cool and cloudy still.  After breakfast we started our sessions.
The group at the Rendezvous
Today we took in sessions on the Ten Tom waterway and a session called "How to cross the Gulf without Drama" they were both very informative and entertaining.
Liz and Stuart took in session on "Buying the perfect loop boat" and "The ABC's of looping"
In the afternoon, we took in a few boats, there are far too many to show. There were dinghy races at 4 o'clock but in what now has become a habit, I did not have my camera.
                           The Garage in the boat                                  
The race though; was the husband blindfolded to row while the wife gave directions on where to turn. It was definitely entertaining. I'll try and be more diligent about the camera tomorrow.  Love you all and hope y'all have a great night.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I just found out a few days ago that you have this blog, so I started reading it this morning, thinking I could catch up over the next week or so, but I was addicted and couldn't leave the computer!! So I'm all caught up and can't wait to read more. You are having such an awesome adventure and seeing really amazing places, and I get to do it all vicariously through you... but I'm thinking my experience isn't quite the same :)
    John spoke with Leo a couple of times today and things were still well overall. It's recovery time now. We'll do our best to look after them (if they let us ;) )
    Enjoy your rendezvous!
    JJ and his wif
