Sunday, April 12, 2015

Georgetown Festivities overcast day with a high of 78F

Well we made it into town and what a time we had. Jim and I went in the early am to check out this little town which is clean, well maintained and very charming. Starting with the city docks that line the waterfront and accentuated by the little restaurants on Front street with their white linen tablecloths.

 We found out that one of the agricultural crops in Georgetown was Rice! I had no idea, but once this fact was known, it was a no brainer, with all the low lying water filled fields around here, what better crop to grow?

PB viewed from the restaurant
It is Jeff's birthday tomorrow, so we decided to go celebrate with a dinner out and a few drinks. We chose the Buzz's Roost Restaurant which was so close to the boat we could have swam there.

We had a lovely dinner served by Chelsea 
and then took ourselves outside or game of Euchre. Yes of course it was the team of Jeff and Mimi who dominated, but no corny pictures of it today! 

On our way out the door, Jeff decided a game of Jenga was in order, which Susan expertly won. We did not play anymore games as we were eaten alive by the no-see-um. 

On our walk back to the dinghy we passed another bar with pool tables, so another stop was in order. This time it was Jim and me vs Susan and Jeff. Turns out Jeff is pretty good. Jim normally is also pretty good at this game, but alcohol was involved!

 If you don't believe me, check out the picture of Jim hugging some random guy at the bar! He looks a lot like Ian, my brother-in-law and I think Jim was just missing him... OK the true story is that when Susan went off to the bathroom, this gentleman just grabbed her and gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.  This gentleman apparently had way too much to drink. Jeff was quite taken aback by this, but rather than start a fight, he chose to just go up to the guy and get his own hug. Jim followed suite and they confused this guy royally. I think he thought he was on some episode of "Just for laughs" or "Candid Camera". 

All is well that ends well and I must say, this will go down as one of our most memorable nights on this trip. We had tons of laughs and I just totally forgot about my back.

Tomorrow we are off to Myrtle beach, so good night all.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recap and the laughs. Some of the evening is a little foggy this morning! Jeff M/V Gran Vida
