Another beautiful day on the waterways, small waves and not
too cool. I had the song "Hazy, Crazy days of summer" playing in my
head as I took this picture.
We came across an oil rig, big ugly things, but we sure did
like when we filled up the boat again this morning.
This is a very ornate building and
quite beautiful architecture.
I did not feel too bad about my lack of knowledge regarding
Annapolis, because our travel mates Barb and Chic also did not know this was
the capitol of Maryland. Like us, they thought Baltimore was the Capitol.
Oh well, that is what this trip is all about right. We get
to learn all about the places we visit. Tomorrow we are going to visit the
current Capitol of the US. We figured we were this close to Washington, it
would be a shame not to visit the white house!
We hope to be able to blog tomorrow, but if we end up staying in a hotel our blog will wait until the day after.Good night all
I take it you're renting a car to get to Washington? Say hi to the White House for me. Jeff is LOVING his job but working very hard. We put an offer in on a boat. Will fill you in VIA email.