Friday, November 14, 2014

Nov 13, 2014- Back to Canada - Current temp -2C or 30F
So before I get into this blog, I will clarify, that it is not visiting family and friends that I was dreading, but rather the cold temperatures. When we arrived we were greeted by SNOW! Uugh
Our flight home went uneventfully and we arrived in Buffalo right on time. Once we saw Mom and Dad, well all those feelings of trepidation left us and we were just happy to see them.
Mom and Dad had arrived at the airport about 1hr before we did, but unfortunately they were waiting upstairs for us while we were waiting downstairs at the baggage claim. It took 1 hr for us to find each other!
Mom tells me It was beautiful when they left St-Catherine, so apparently we brought the cold weather from the south, back home.

Ah well the family visits; the girl's play, and the shopping will be worth it.
Friday will be a packed day, we get to see the kids in the afternoon, some friends form the Marina in the early evening and my Mom;  sisters; sisters-in-law  and cousins this evening. Yipee!

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