It was sunk on one side, engine almost completely
under water and something needed to be done about it.
So Jeanette to the
Rescue. This Young lady operates the Canadian Effort with her husband who is
currently out of town. Since she was
alone, the boys quickly went to her aid and got the boat from under water to
gunnels showing, to owner getting into it.
Once the boat was saved and the show was over, I got to the
shores of the day until Susan came by the help us check out all the sights in
Penetang. We spent the afternoon going from one sight to the other making sure
they were open and available for us when Mom and Dad came. Only 2 more sleeps now!
After our gallivanting around we took out the clubs and went for a short
nine holes of Golf. Jeff and Jim were very serious about it all.
Susan and I
really played an equivalent of an 18
hole given that our drives are so short. It got a little frustrating, to the
point where Susan turned into the Karate Kid.
I'll give you one hint as to who lost
that one!
Today is turning out to be a lovely day so far, so we'll
likely go try our hand at another Golf game. I won't keep score!
That's one way to wash a boat.....