Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Cowboy cup

    This is our last day in Grafton and I really have not told you a whole lot about this quaint little town. The streets are lined with cute little shops. I put 3 pictures of shops below for your viewing pleasure. The population of this town is 650 but on the weekends it triples! Today we woke up early as always and we went for breakfast at the "Peace of Quiche Restaurant"  where real men do eat quiche! Seriously, that's what the waiter's t-shirt said! The tables where lined with bumper stickers about peace and they really pulled it off well. The food was delicious and the company was awesome as well. After breakfast we went to the Grafton flea market. I took a picture but it is a little blurry. One thing about being on a boat is that it really curbs your desire to buy unneeded things. Since there is no room for anything on the boat; we left the flea market empty handed. After the Market we came back to our floating Marina. the picture below will show you that the entire marina is built on floating docks, so even the building, the restaurant the ship's store, everything floats up with the water. It is really neat. The picture of Jim and I standing at the sign will give you perspective as to how the water level can change around here. Right now it is a 7 foot drop to the buildings but at high water level, these buildings behind us would be level with the sidewalk. It's pretty impressive.
   We borrowed the van again today and went into the town of Godfry to do some shopping before we leave in the am. We got most of what we needed, but will need to order some filters and oil once we get to Rogersville since the Napa store in town did not carry the filters we needed for our fuel.
   I'm sure you are all wondering about the title of tonight's blog, so I will enlighten you. They are having a dock party tonight and there is a live band, the food tent and the beer tent of course. We decided we had to partake of this stuff so off to the party we went. The food tent was serving chili or the Cowboy cup. The cowboy cup is a large clear beer cup which they layer with first pulled pork, then baked beans and top it off with coleslaw. It sounds awful but it actually tasted awesome.

   Tomorrow you will see new coordinates as we are now leaving and heading to Hoppies Marina, some 70-80 miles down the river. Tata for now and Claire, you are in our thoughts and prayers. 

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