Saturday, January 24, 2015

Angry Oceans and Bahamian charm

It's been a rather overcast day today and the Ocean was angry in mid morning. The wind blew hard all day, ranging from 20 miles per hour to 35 miles per hour. We went to the beach in early morning to see how bad the waves were. Sure made us glad we stayed put today. Just before sunset we went to the beach again and the picture was certainly different.

We spent some of our day walking around and taking in the quaint Bahamian culture.
It is kind of odd that they drive on the left side of the road as they do in Britain, but their traffic signs are in miles per hour as in the US. Perhaps a bit of a confused culture.


The Bahamian culture is also a bit confused as we past the subway, the Domino's, the Pizza Hut and the RBC bank. I guess they have to answer to all the wants and needs of their patrons?

Either way, it's now 8pm and the band just started to play. Time to say good night and go take in some more music. 

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't look like such a bad place to be stuck for a few days.
    Get a few limbo lessons in before you move on?
