Friday, May 15, 2015

Plans don't always come together, or do they?

Hey everyone, Stéphanie here, mom and dad are busy so the blog for this evening has been left in my capable hands, or not, you can be the judge of that. Our plan for today was to be out of the Liberty Landing Marina by 11 and head North up the Hudson River. We did eventually head up the river, but not without a few changes in plans an a hiccup or two along the way.

I really wanted to go to Canal Street, but our days were so jam packed that we didn't have the opportunity to do so in the past two days. Considering we are all early risers and we had a few hours to spare I suggested a quick trip to Canal Street. Dad stayed back as he has no interest in shopping for purses and wallets, it's a shame because it was quite the adventure. Mom suggested that we take their bikes onto the ferry and travel through the New York streets in true New York fashion. The picture below does not display how much of an adventure it really was; mostly because the majority of our ride was spent weaving in and out of traffic trying to avoid hitting a pedestrian or getting hit by a car ourselves. Considering I didn't feel like dying in the mean streets of New York, I took the photos at the only time where there was very little traffic. 

Nevertheless, we finally made it to Canal Street and I had the opportunity to experience it as others have described it to me. I purchased a purse and matching wallet. Yippy!!

 Mom didn't buy anything, but she seemed to enjoy watching me experience it. She also feared that the bikes would end up like this one, so she opted to stick by the bikes while I explored a bit.

When we got back to the boat Dad had prepared the boat for the next few days adventure. He also took out what we needed in order to make a delicious brunch. Eleven o'clock rolled around and it was time to go Dad started the engines, but not without a bit of a struggle with one of them. After a few tries he finally got it up and running, so off we went. We were about 3 miles out along the Hudson River between Manhattan and New Jersey when the engine cut out once again. At this point there was a lot of commotion as Mom and Dad tried to contact a nearby marina to take us in, but there was no service department and no space for our boat. Dad tried the starboard engine again and it started up again. This happened a few more times when all of the sudden the second engine gave out. We tried contacting the coast guard, tow boat U.S all while searching for another marina. Unfortunately, everyone continued to suggest returning to Liberty Landing and the tow boat U.S said it would be at least an hour and a half before we could get a tow. So here we are, floating back down river towards Liberty Landing Marina with no motors and no tow boat. We were being pushed back by the current faster than we had been going with both motors against it just moments before. 

Lucky for us, some New Jersey City Fire and Rescue guys came to our "rescue" and towed us back to Liberty Landing Marina. I was hoping they would be a bit more attractive, but at least they were kind and helpful Hahaha. After about an hour or so Dad got both motors back up and running and had a mechanic take a look at it just to be sure nothing was missed. Turns out there was some air in our fuel lines.

So off we go again up the Hudson River. We got to see the same sights three times, so they will forever be engraved in our minds. The only new thing we got to see was this very important flying Gieco advertisement hahaha. You'll have to zoom in to get the full effect like we did. 

 It was a short and uneventful trip back up river. We are now in Nyack, New York anchored next to a mooring field. You should see some of the huge mooring balls they have out here for the crane's and construction barges - sorry I don't have any pictures of them, I didn't think of it at the time. All photo's in tonight's blog were courtesy of me! :-)

Bonne Nuit, à demain! 

Love Steph 

1 comment:

  1. Haven driven in NYC, I CAN NOT believe that you two brave (if that the word I'm look for? hehe) women cycled there. lol Kudos to you! Loving your blog. Thanks for the entry Stephanie. Looks like 'yall are having a great time!
