Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 14,15 and 16th Girl's weekend Current Temp -1C and Snowing

We have had a wonderful weekend in Hamilton/St-Catherine and Thornhill. Fridy night dinner with a bunch of friends from our Marina, Friday evening Jim spent with our Son and Daughter-in-law while our Daughter and I went to the hotel to meet up with our group.
The shenanigans started early and we did not hit the bed until 1:30am.

Saturday morning we all had a good breakfast before we set out for a day of shopping and ended our evening being told to keep it down at Le Baton Rouge Restaurant.
We had a few late arrivals on Saturday and a few early leavers on Sunday, but total we were 16 rowdy women who had a great time.
Unfortunately I do not have a picture of the whole group, but I hope to when Liane sends me some! 

Tonight we had a lovely family dinner that our daughter-in-law hosted and we are now back Jim's Mom and Dad's for tonight and tomorrow.
We will be flying back to Mobile on Wednesday night, so I will not blog again until Thursday November 20th. Take care all

ps: Thanks for the weather update Jeff. We may not be as warm as you guys in Dunedin but we have an awful lot of warm hearts around us. 


  1. And what a great weekend it has been! I'm so glad that you guys came back. You've been missed. Can't wait to see you again in December! <3

  2. Oh I can only imagine the shenanigans. Glad you had a nice trip :)
