We got a coat of Cetol on the rails Yippee! Yesterday's rain
did not do too much damage to our paint job, but we do have to sand down the
back rails a bit as they have some water stains.
Jim also got his Birthday present from Mom and Dad today so he was very excited. We had a chair at the helm before, but it was so large that it was always in the
way. He has been driving the boat standing all day long; (well sometimes dancing around) at the helm.When we got here we visited a boat that had a folding director's chair at
the helm and Jim thought this was exactly what he needed. So he ordered it on
line and it got delivered this afternoon. Thanks Mom and Dad!

After lunch we got the rental car and set off to Dauphin
Island. We visited a fort; where apparently I won the battle;

a cool subdivision that has streets on one side of the house and canals so people can park their boats in their back yard on the other .

and an estuary. At the Estuary we got to pet some sting rays and check out a bull nose shark. Fortunately the sting rays had their barbs removed, but although they could not hurt us, they sure did feel slimy.

We found a really large snow bank...oops sorry that is a sand bank; but it sure does look familiar.

a cool subdivision that has streets on one side of the house and canals so people can park their boats in their back yard on the other .
and an estuary. At the Estuary we got to pet some sting rays and check out a bull nose shark. Fortunately the sting rays had their barbs removed, but although they could not hurt us, they sure did feel slimy.
We found a really large snow bank...oops sorry that is a sand bank; but it sure does look familiar.
We enjoyed finally getting out of the Marina and it was
enjoyable to be out with Jeff and Susan again.
Tomorrow more sightseeing, but not sure where yet. We'll keep you posted. Nighty night all
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