Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas parade; December 6th, High 79◦F

Today was the Christmas parade day. This particular activity is much different in Florida. Instead of using floats, they use boats and there were lots of them! A total of 26 boats from our marina participated. All decked out and lots of lights. The only problem was that they were starting the procession at low tide. One of the boats got stuck in the mud and it took him about 6 tries before he actually got the boat out into the procession.
The effect of lights on the boats was spectacular and we really appreciated all the hard work these folks did to provide us with such a show. The marina also hosted a BBQ for all of us today. Burgers and hot dogs, salads and beans. It was delicious and free. We all like free!
I wish you all as nice a parade as we had although I am certain those of you in Canada will not be attending in short!.

Night all 

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful light show! The one boat reminds me of a gingerbread house.
    Shorts you say Mimi...I was wearing my Canada Goose mits today! B
