We spotted
a dinghy as we crossed the bridge and that was Bruce and Marg from "El
Lobbo". Round the corner Simon was hiding, trying to catch the perfect
shot. That's about the time I realized I had no fenders down and I better hop
to it!
Entering the bay we were greeted by the many little sailboats of our
neighboring yacht club out for their usual Saturday morning exercises. What a
sight for sore eyes,
and as we rounded the corner, the rest of the welcoming
committee was standing at our decorated slip. It was awesome! Alex, Vicky, Ross
and Fran, Tracey, Queen Fran, Shirley and Bill, Jane and John, Debbie and Dave,
and Andrew. Wow we were flabbergasted! Stuart, Gord and Barb all joined a
little later, and Steve, Morag and the grandkids dropped by for a visit as
well. We spent the afternoon yakking and reminiscing and dinner at Fisher's
(thanks Kevin) and resumed our socializing on the dock after dinner. It is good
to be home!
As we close this chapter of our lives and begin to get into
the routine of "regular life", it is of course, time to reminisce a
bit. We have had many good times over the course of our 6925 miles, we learned
many lessons along the way. We enjoyed almost every minute of our adventure, with
the exception of those rough days at sea where dishes were lost and messes were
cleaned up. But the two lessons that stand out most of all are as follows:
#1 Surround yourself
with beautiful people; because no one can make it through this life alone! #2
Carpe Diem because you never know if you will be granted another one!
Thanks to all our "beautiful people" All those who
have been around a while and all the new ones we met along the way. A most
special thank you to Gord, Bruce and Captain Chris Caldwell who were always
there when we had a question and help us keep our baby in tip top shape.
Our Perfect Balance is now for sale as we prepare for the
next adventure.
Hope to see you all on the water someday soon!
Beautiful ♡ Welcome back